English Democratic Party and its struggle for the nation
toeic book store - http://toeic.leap.edu.vn/sach-toeic-hackers-toeic-start-listening.html. As part of the investigation announced by the Minister for Immigration and Security on 24 June 2014, the Home Secretary ("SSHD") revoked the sponsor licence of City of London Academy ("CLA") and cited four grounds for doing so:
By Krisztina Than
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Thousands of Hungarians protested on Saturday against education reforms implemented by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which critics see as another attempt by the right-wing leader to boost his control over state institutions.
Teachers, whose demands include a sharp reduction in teaching hours and a free choice of textbooks, were joined in the rain outside parliament by other unionized workers including miners and civil servants.
Protesters say the reforms form part of a centralization drive by Orban over the past six years that has brought state media and other public institutions under his government's control.
Singing the national anthem, some protesters shouted "We won't let this happen." Others held banners saying "Don't chase our youth away."
A member of the Indian Workers’ Association told the Hindustan Times that 70 per cent of the 48,000 affected students were Indian, adding: "Due to their personal and national humiliation, many left of their own accord, the majority were deported."
"I say immediately that grounds (ii) – (iv), whether taken individually or collectively, do not justify the draconian step of revocation…. If ground (i) is valid then grounds (ii) – (iv) are unnecessary surplusage. If ground (i) is not valid then grounds (ii) to (iv) would not justify, on any view of the evidence, the sanction of revocation. That would be a grossly disproportionate response."
The education system in Dubai is same as it as in other emirate cities in the UAE. The academic system in place divides the education in different levels such as primary, secondary and collegiate education. The Ministry of Education of UAE, with a view to give education in Dubai a major fillip has encouraged development of new schools and colleges.
Tier 4 sponsors, regardless of whether or not they have been directly caught up in the TOEIC fraud investigation and/or have been asked by UKVI to withdraw sponsorship from students, must take their obligations in assessing English language seriously. Sponsors that fail to carry out thorough assessments risk being unable to mount a defence against an accusation that they present a serious threat to immigration control.
The English Democratic Party merged with several other smaller parties prior to the launching program. In 2004, it made its first big merge with the Reform UK Party, even though the party was a minute splinter group. Finally, the party underwent its final merging activity with the New England Party in the month of February, 2007. English Democracy was thus reinstated after a long period of time. Since this land is dwelt by people who do not mingle into political matters, only a section of the people tends to take politics seriously, only so that it can aid them in their careers.�
We are aware that a number of Tier 4 sponsors caught up in the TOEIC fraud investigation have also been accused of breaching their Tier 2 obligations and/or having weak processes in place concerning the rules on academic progression and/or having deficient attendance monitoring processes in place. Whilst it is extremely unlikely that SSHD would agree with Mr Justice Mostyn’s comments that it would be ‘a grossly disproportionate response’ to revoke a licence solely due to grounds (ii) to (iv), these comments may very well instil confidence in any sponsor that has its licence revoked on these grounds and seeks to challenge that decision in the future.
Only electorates, at the time of election shuffle around, getting busy with the arrangements. Since the insular human race finds it much preferable to cherish their privacy, someone has to take up the job of running the kingdom peacefully. More so, it best be a party that is dedicated to welfare of the citizens. English Democracy had proven worthwhile for the benevolence of the nation. It has taken several steps to restore the greenery of England and preserve the foliages to flourish the tourist industry and make the nation eco-friendly. Secondly, the English Democratic Party has also taken initiative to protect and maintain the historical structures of the nation. The monuments and palaces that bear our rich history need to be secured so that the future generation can also be a witness to the valor and glory of our forefathers.
In an email to the Independent, a Home Office spokesperson said: "The Government continues to tackle abuse of our immigration system and protect the reputation of our world class education institutions.
English Democratic Party was first formed in 1998 by Robin Tilbrook. Responding to the calls of assignment of power in Wales and Scotland, Tilbrook formed and named the party as the English National Party. This party was actually a reformation of what was formed in 1960. However, since the older party became dysfunctional due to corruption and unfavorable circumstances, the need to restore its glory was necessitated. Fortunately, Tilbrook�s party included members from the pressure group of Campaign for an English Parliament. The Campaign party was entitled to lobby in favor of the devolved English Parliament. English Democracy was launched through the promotion of this party in the month of September, 2002.