Thousands march to protest education cuts in Morocco

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Although sometimes the meanings are no longer the same in the two languages, they are often still similar enough to serve as an aid to comprehension and to help a learner get the gist of texts.Once English learners have reached a more advanced level, they become exposed to additional structures that reveal some unexpected complexities in the language.

Face it. Good habits are not just for nuns. As business owners, we wear a lot of hats, but in the process may lose sight of the very hat that can mean the difference between growing a business and having it wilt on the vine.
Here is more info on what is toeic english test have a look at our site. So, try this "habit" on for size and see how it works for you.
Here are seven key steps you want to practice, starting immediately, to grow your business:

It's important to understand how different types of investments put your money to work.
Risks and potential returns vary greatly among investment types. Stocks offer you the potential for growth, but they can be volatile. Bonds generally provide income and lower volatility, but also lower potential for growth. Treasury bills, CDs, and money market funds are secure but may not keep up with inflation.
When you're in your late 50s or 60s be cautious about taking on investment risk, since your portfolio may not have a chance to recover from a market downturn before you need to start drawing on your retirement assets. When you retire, your goal is not only providing continued growth while taking limited investment risk but also ensuring that you have a stream of income that can cover a portion of your living expenses.

Wadi Al-Mrimar, one of the organizers, said police followed his bus en route to the protest.
Next month will mark the 5th anniversary of when Moroccans took to the streets as part of the "Arab Spring" protests.

2. Start Thinking Outside the Sox
Yeah, you read that right. If you're like me, the phrase "Outside the box" has run its course, but outside the sox means thinking quickly on your feet. This doesn't mean making rash decisions, but it does mean mastering some critical thinking skills. To do that: Don't automatically follow convention. Look at problem areas from their roots (ask, "Where did the problem originate") and attack the problem not the people connected with the problem.Don't answer the questions, question the answers.

Just think of "salsa," "smorgasbord," "taboo," "wampum," and "pajamas," for starters. When necessary, English also seems to revel in inventing entirely new lexicons of words, such as for new technologies like the Internet. Internet is full of colorful and amusing imagery from "the web" to "spidering" and "click on the mouse," let alone such silly sounding words as "googling," "blogging," and "WIKI." It is a riotously "living" language and this flexibility has helped English become such a widely used international language.I also love English because colorful wordings and vivid imagery abound in both old and new expressions.

Marchers on Sunday chanted "We're prepared to go to prison!" and other slogans as they neared the parliament building in Rabat, Morocco's capital.
Teacher trainees have been protesting the cuts around the country for the past few months, and the response from security forces during some demonstrations has been violent. Riot police were scattered along the route of Sunday's march.

* Some stocks, collectibles and some real estate are high as financial risks where as high grade bonds and some mutual funds are low.
Lastly, where the risks are high, the gain is generally higher and vice versa. But stay away from foolhardy investments, so always know what an investment is all about - and how it can impact you for what you want it for.

Seuss's "Sneeches with stars on thars." J. K. Rowling has invented an entire vocabulary of her own to use in the magical world that she has created for Harry Potter. The so-called "language of Shakespeare" has contributed much literature and poetry to the world, plus other beautiful expressions of thoughts through the abstraction of words.
As someone who writes stories for children, I'm also fond of simple jingles and fun forms such as Mother Goose rhymes.Now that I'm an English teacher, I try to unlock many of the mysteries of the English language for students who have other languages as their mother tongues.

If so, then choose the former, the present perfect tense. If you prefer to focus on when the glasses were lost, then use the latter, the past simple tense.English can be wonderfully expressive. Because it has accumulated vocabulary from many different languages, there are far more words to choose from than some other languages offer.
You can discuss a topic at length without ever repeating yourself or overusing a specific word. You can choose from an array of words with similar meanings to find the most perfect match in meaning and connotation to suit the thought that you want to express.Sure, you can simply walk down the street, but you can also stroll, march, amble, trot, mosey, shuffle, skip, run, race, promenade, lope, slink, fly, zip, crawl, gallop, whiz, zoom, or careen down the street.