Education in Dubai is developing at fast pace
truy cập - By Krisztina Than
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Thousands of Hungarians protested on Saturday against education reforms implemented by Prime Minister Viktor Orban, which critics see as another attempt by the right-wing leader to boost his control over state institutions.
Teachers, whose demands include a sharp reduction in teaching hours and a free choice of textbooks, were joined in the rain outside parliament by other unionized workers including miners and civil servants.
Protesters say the reforms form part of a centralization drive by Orban over the past six years that has brought state media and other public institutions under his government's control.
Singing the national anthem, some protesters shouted "We won't let this happen." Others held banners saying "Don't chase our youth away."
After inter-boards students always go through pros and cons of various institutes and universities.
Just selecting a suitable college gets really hard as it doesn't only depends on the student's choice but also on the standards needed to be conformed to by the students laid by these universities. Although, a student with a suitable result would like to go for the best universities our country has to offer.
Apart from providing quality education, the campus is equipped with modern refreshments for the students as well. Hostels with High-speed internet connections and accommodations like central workshop, auditorium, etc are certain refreshments, to name a few. In addition festivals are also celebrated every year making it a top spot for the aspirant engineers to show off their latest inventions and projects to everyone.
A graduate of MIT and Harvard Business School, he thought his future was set when he became a hedge fund analyst.
Instead, he's known globally for helping students everywhere learn, for free. And for this breakthrough, he ranks as No. 8 on the BI 100: The Creators for 2016.
Here, entrepreneur and educator Khan talks with Business Insider about his aha moments and his plans to disrupt education around the world.
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What�s the first thought that crosses your mind when you get stuck on a certain word?
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The education system in Dubai is same as it as in other emirate cities in the UAE. The academic system in place divides the education in different levels such as primary, secondary and collegiate education. The Ministry of Education of UAE, with a view to give education in Dubai a major fillip has encouraged development of new schools and colleges.
By Alex Whiting
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - At least 80 million children living in areas affected by war or natural disaster had their education disrupted last year, leaving them prey to child labor, trafficking and extremism, experts said on Thursday.
Many humanitarian aid appeals for 2015 ignored education, and aid appeals for education were only one-third funded. Overall, education received 1.4 percent of all humanitarian funds, British charity Theirworld said in a report.
"The new analysis ...(confirms) 2015 was a disastrous year for children who had their education disrupted by wars and natural disasters," said Susan Nicolai, head of development progress at the London-based think tank Overseas Development Institute.
"World leaders need to urgently guarantee that there isn't a future humanitarian emergency response where education isn't seen as critical," said Nicolai, whose institute's research produced the 80 million figure featured in the report.
The Institute is affiliated to Kurukshetra University, (Haryana) and has been approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) & Department of Technical Education (DTE), Haryana. Besides this, it is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute. Around 3000 study on the campus thus making it a top engineering college in Haryana.
One among these in the field of engineering is the JMIT which is often quoted as the top engineering college in Haryana. Being one of the top engineering college in Haryana, JMIT caters a significant amount of programs in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the field of engineering, sciences and Humanities.
The university enrolls students as per the system of Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). JMIT is located in the area which remains pollution-free and at a Distance of 18km from Yamuna Nagar and at a distance of 28km from Kurukshetra. The outset of this institution was done by the Ved Prakash Mukand Lal Educational Society (Regd.) in the year 1995.