Reading Strategies for the TOEIC® Test

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The TOEIC test is becoming more and more popular in South East Asia. Each year, businessmen spend thousands of dollars to prepare for the TOEIC test with the hope of achieving more than 900 points, because they consider this as a key to success in the international business environment. Consequently, studying and preparing for TOEIC is a growing trend for students and employees in South East Asia countries. In Vietnam, TOEIC is being used as a benchmark for graduation at more than 127 universities, colleges, vocational schools, as well as a human resources evaluation tool in more than 350 enterprises.

Over 14,000 organizations in 150 countries throughout the world trust the TOEIC test to determine who has the English language skills to succeed in the global workplace. Give your business a global advantage and build a more effective workforce with the TOEIC Listening and Reading test.

According to Mr. Doan Hong Nam, President of IIG Vietnam, "Vietnam was chosen to host this important event of the region because Vietnam had remarkable contributions to the development of TOEIC worldwide. Moreover, as the country representative of ETS in Vietnam, IIG has been doing a great job in training and expanding the number of TOEIC trainers". In addition, Vietnam has 7 teachers chosen by ETS to participate in the workshop with other teachers from the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos and Israel.

Each unit of work follows the same genre-approach methodology and addresses each of the seven reading strategies. If you loved this article and also you would like to obtain more info regarding truy cập i implore you to visit our site. See Figure 1 for a list of the seven strategies and how they correspond with questions frequently encountered on the TOEIC test.

Use authentic texts to learn and practice the reading strategies.
Use TOEIC preparatory texts to practice the reading strategies under test conditions.
Think about the text-type of a given text.
Think about where a given text is used (social and situational contexts).
Think about the purpose of a given text.
Think about the main point(s) of a given text.
Think about the writer and/or source of a given text.
Think about the audience of a given text.
Think about the written expression of a given text.
Units of Work

The Listening and Reading test offers a common standard of measurement for comparing the language skills of current and potential employees. Test content reflects real-world tasks and provides you with the information you need to easily:

Now, though, the news of the figure has come shortly after the Upper Tribunal (Asylum and Immigration) made a damning ruling on 23 March that the Home Secretary’s evidence suffered from "multiple frailties and shortcomings."

It is highly suggested that learners first learn the strategies with very straightforward text-types such as forms and tables and gradually work up to the more difficult text-types categories such as letters and miscellaneous reading passages.

"We were equipped with interesting and practical information about TOEIC, like why the test is designed in a specific way, which type of question is used to assess which skill, and how to achieve the best score for each type of question. Especially, we got to exchange with colleges from other countries in the region, who are experienced, enthusiastic and eager to learn. We think that anyone who comes to this workshop will have valuable experiences to bring home. After the course, we hope to create a TOEIC teaching community in the region", said Ms Tran Thi Hieu Thuy, an English teacher from Hanoi National University, one of the Vietnamese attendees of the workshop.

When the TOEIC Listening and Reading test is taken together with the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests, TOEIC® test scores provide an accurate measure of proficiency in all four English language skills.

ETS designed the workshop in a way that allows discussions and high interactivity. The workshop also provides its attendees with the latest updates on the test, teaching tips, teachable strategies for achieving the best score, how to effectively integrate more activities into TOEIC test practice course, and recommendations on the most up-to-date and appropriate course materials.

In order to fulfill the increasing demand of studying and preparing for TOEIC in the region, ETS selected top English teachers with strict requirements (years of experience in training TOEIC with a TESOL Certificate, or a Master degree in Education/English; or a Bachelor degree in English with a TESOL Certificate), to train them to be TOEIC Master Trainers and expand the number of T
OEIC instructors in South East Asia.
The workshop’s attendees come from different countries, but they all share the will to enhance their knowledge about the TOEIC test

Listening skills are important for face-to-face communication, meetings, videoconferencing, podcasts and telephone conversations.
Reading skills are necessary for e-mail, reports, newsletters and other forms of business correspondence.

The hearsay evidence of Ms Collings and Mr Millington, the two main witnesses relied on by the Secretary of State was inherently limited in that neither of these witnesses possessed any relevant qualifications, credentials or expertise in what is ultimately a scientific field - namely, voice recognition technology and techniques;
There was no evidence from ETS;
The evidence from expert Dr. Harrison was persuasive and remained unchallenged by the Secretary of State;
The Appellant’s themselves were found to be truthful.