Support Music Education
I support music education because it has played a vital role in my life. I had very difficult behavioral challenges as a child. I was defiant. I was expelled from three schools and was hospitalized three times because of mental, emotional and behavioral challenges. I was diagnosed with depression, obsessive compulsive disorder, and a behavior disorder.
Listening skills are important for face-to-face communication, meetings, videoconferencing, podcasts and telephone conversations.
Reading skills are necessary for e-mail, reports, newsletters and other forms of business correspondence.
When the TOEIC Listening and Reading test is taken together with the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests, TOEIC® test scores provide an accurate measure of proficiency in all four English language skills.
Now I am a professional drummer and I love my job. I am happy, healthy, and I am in control of my own behavior. Instead of defiance, I've found positive ways to express myself. Like everyone, I suffer from periodic stress. When I sit behind my drums and play, I experience relief, emotional expression, and a wonderful connection with other people.
One famous study was done by Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, The College Board, 1998. The researchers who conducted this study concluded that students who participate in music score higher on the SAT. Another popular SAT study showed that students who performed music scored 57 points higher on the verbal and 41 points higher on the math, than those who were not musical. Students who take music appreciation classes score 63 points higher on the verbal and 44 points higher on the math, compared to students who don't participate in the arts.
The Listening and Reading test offers a common standard of measurement for comparing the language skills of current and potential employees. Test content reflects real-world tasks and provides you with the information you need to easily:
Music education is extremely beneficial for children and adults. If you type "benefits of music education" into a search engine you will discover tons of research done on the positive effects music education has on people. The best-known benefits of music education are improved SAT scores, literacy, and social skills.
Marchers on Sunday chanted "We're prepared to go to prison!" and other slogans as they neared the parliament building in Rabat, Morocco's capital.
Teacher trainees have been protesting the cuts around the country for the past few months, and the response from security forces during some demonstrations has been violent. Riot police were scattered along the route of Sunday's march.
Wadi Al-Mrimar, one of the organizers, said police followed his bus en route to the protest.
Next month will mark the 5th anniversary of when Moroccans took to the streets as part of the "Arab Spring" protests.
Many times a person has to repeat himself to be understood by others because his accent does not sound like a native English speaker. �Many foreign nationals seek employment and a new life in the United States, they bring with them individual speech patterns that may limit their ability to be understood.
Although much of the research about music education focuses on children, there are many benefits of music education for adults. According to a study done by the American Music Conference in 1998, retired adults who took keyboard classes reported decreased anxiety, decreased depression, and decreased loneliness when compared to a control group. I believe that music education is just as important for adults as it is for children.
By taking part in an American accent course, students can learn to pronounce each word clearly and in the correct way that it is meant to be spoken.
At Institute Of Accent Modification, people with English as a second language can take part in customized English pronunciation online to improve their spoken English. The online training programs offered here can be taken by students anywhere in the world as individual or group classes.
At the end of tenth grade, my defiance was at its peak and contributed to my third expulsion from school. Like a defiant child, I told my parents that I was not going back to school unless they found a way for me to play the drums more during the school day.
An American accent training program focuses on the areas like pronunciation, rhythm, intonation, and melody of speech. The American pronunciation training gives the speakers ability to communicate better by being heard properly and being understood by all, on the job and socially.
By changing the pronunciation of the words, people can be better understood by clients, colleagues, friends and any person they interact with. English pronunciation training removes any misunderstanding about what was spoken and students of an American accent training program can hear this difference in a very short period of time.
Weeks later, my mother discovered the Long Island High School for the Arts. I was accepted and life changed for me completely. My grades went up, my behavior improved, and I discovered my mission in life. This is how I reaped the benefits of music education. In case you loved this information and you want to receive details with regards to LEAP English TOEIC generously visit our web site. I remember my adolescence as a time of life-changing transformation. Today I am honored to mentor musically-minded teens on the faculty at the Long Island High School for the Arts.